Estudantes aprovalam tema da redação do ENEM, mas acham prova cansativa
O grande desafio do ENEM, o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, voltou a subjugar e surpreender os estudantes que o enfrentaram. A partir de segunda-feira, os cerca de 2,5 milhões de candidatos que se inscreveram para o exame, que é essencial para ingresso em cursos superior, enfrentaram o desafio da provinha de redação, que é uma das principais provas do exame.
A redação, que tem peso equivalente a uma terça parte da nota final, obrigou os candidatos a desenvolver um texto sobre o tema "O segredo da felicidade está em algum lugar entre a serenidade e a alegria", o que gerou Portugal a expectativa de como abordariam a questão.
"Eu pensei muito antes de começar a escrever. Eu queria que o meu texto fosse orderso e que eu conseguisse transmitir bem a minha ideia", disse Ana Luiza, estudante de 17 anos, que cursa o terceiro ano do ensino médio e estuda em uma escola pública em São Paulo. "Mas, acabei sentindo muito cansaço ao longo da prova. Era feito muito difícil manter a concentração".
Outros estudantes compartilharam a mesma opinião. "Eu estava preparado, mas a prova foi muito física e emocional. Eu queria chorar e pedir para parar, mas eu sabia que não podia", disse João Victor, estudante de 18 anos, que estuda em uma rede particular no Rio de Janeiro.
A redação é uma das provas mais beloved do ENEM, pois exige do estudante habilidade linguística, capacidade crítica e autoapoio. Através do texto, os candidatos demonstram sua capacidade de argumentação e de22927edivulgação.
Apesar de terem conseguido superar o desafio, muitos estudantes confessam que a prova foi cansativa e estressante. "Eu senti que eu estava indo bem, mas, ao longo da prova, perdi a noção do tempo. Fiquei temendo que eu não tivesse o tempo suficiente para têm fazer tudo certo", disse Luana Santos, estudante de 17 anos, que cursa o segundo ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública em Porto Alegre.
Com a experiencia da redação já finalizada, os estudantes agora se preparam para as próximas provas do ENEM, que incluem língua portugues e matemática. Embora tenham superado a desafiadora prova de redação, muitos estudantes não podem parar de se preparar para o futuro. "Agora, é hora de estudar e trabalhar com afinidade para conquistar o meu lugar nos próximos 14 de dezembro", disse Ana Luiza.
/todos os estudantes que cursam o ensino médio brasileiro
Students approve of the theme of the ENEM essay, but find the exam tiring
The great challenge of the ENEM, the National High School Exam, has again overwhelmed and surprised students who faced it. From Monday, about 2.5 million candidates who registered for the exam, which is essential for admission to higher education, faced the challenge of the writing test, which is one of the main tests of the exam.
The writing, which accounts for a third of the final grade, forced students to develop a text on the theme "The secret to happiness is somewhere between serenity and joy", which generated much expectation about how they would approach the issue.
"I thought a lot before starting to write. I wanted my text to be clear and concise, and for me to be able to convey my idea," said Ana Luiza, a 17-year-old student who is in the third year of high school and studies in a public school in São Paulo. "But I felt very tired throughout the test. It was very difficult to maintain concentration."
Other students shared the same opinion. "I was prepared, but the exam was very physically and emotionally demanding. I almost wanted to cry and ask to stop, but I knew I couldn’t," said João Victor, an 18-year-old student who studies in a private network in Rio de Janeiro.
The writing is one of the most challenging tests of the ENEM, as it requires students to demonstrate linguistic skills, critical thinking, and self-motivation. Through the text, students demonstrate their ability to argue and communicate effectively.
Despite having overcome the challenge, many students confess that the test was tiring and stressful. "I felt like I was doing well, but as the test went on, I lost track of time. I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough time to do everything right," said Luana Santos, a 17-year-old student who is in the second year of high school in a public school in Porto Alegre.
With the experience of the writing test already behind them, students are now preparing for the next tests of the ENEM, which include Portuguese and mathematics. Although they have overcome the challenging writing test, many students cannot stop preparing for the future. "Now it’s time to work and study with dedication to conquer my place on December 14," said Ana Luiza.
The 2024 National High School Examination (Enem) began on Sunday, with over 4 million students from 1.735 cities and towns across Brazil taking the test in 140,000 exam rooms. The regular application of the tests ended at 7 pm, with students praising the theme of the essay question, “Challenges for the valuation of African heritage in Brazil”, but considering the test to be exhausting.
Many students, including 18-year-old Leonardo Tenório Jacob dos Santos and 23-year-old Camila Veriano, reported that the history and geography sections were particularly challenging, with dense texts requiring a high level of interpretation. Leonardo, who expects to perform well in the next test, noted that he found it difficult to relate to the essay question, which was different from what he expected. Camila, on the other hand, found the human sciences section more extensive than in previous years.
Enzo Zeronian, 19, described the test as “cansativa” (exhausting) and “densa” (dense) due to the long texts in the language section, which required a lot of attention from students, particularly in terms of interpretation. He found some of the questions in the language section to be easier, but others, such as those in philosophy and sociology, more challenging.
On Sunday, students had to answer 45 multiple-choice questions in languages (Portuguese, literature, foreign language, arts, physical education, and information and communication technologies) and 45 questions in human sciences (history, geography, philosophy, and sociology), as well as the essay question on the theme of African heritage in Brazil.
The second and final test will be held on March 10, with questions on natural sciences, mathematics, and their technologies. Although some students found the test challenging, many praised the theme of the essay question, which they felt was engaging and allowed for a range of possible topics to be discussed.